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Career Opportunities for Chartered Accountants

Chartered Accountancy - A Challenging Profession offers practice or job opportunities in the areas of accounting, auditing, corporate finance and other business laws, taxation and corporate governance.
The multi-faceted knowledge a chartered accountant enjoys through unique academic Programme blended with practical training is what the business and industry need in the advent of globalization of Indian economy. A globally acclaimed profession capable of offering new vistas to young talents, a vision to build a career and a new idea to blossom - invites you to join the CA course and be a proud member of the glorious profession.
Independent Professional Practice:
As practitioners of public accounting, CAs may start professional practice as a proprietor or join any existing firm as a partner or staff member. A CA provides compliance and review services. He also acts as a business advisor by providing all kinds of services including the preparation of financial reports, helping the business to secure loans, preparing financial projections, etc.
Management Consultancy Services:
CAs plays a vital role in assisting business and industry to improve the use of their resources, increase their efficiency and achieve their objectives. The range of management advisory services rendered by CAs reflects their expertise in diverse areas like financial management, strategic management, planning and financial policy determination, etc.
Go for industry / Government Organization:
A CA may prefer to join an industry or government department and ultimately hold responsible positions. Many Chartered Accountants hold responsible positions in business or industrial firms as CEOs, CFOs, Managing Directors, etc.